Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bad losers......

1824 wuz a hard-fought presidential primary between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, who may or may not have been an ancestral cousin of mine. The only basis I have for that p’ticklar supposition is that my Grandmother referred to his son, Richard, as Uncle Dick Adams.....all of which has little or nothin' to do with this tale.....Now, John Quincy was in a similar position to Obama. His opponent, Andrew Jackson, had won the pop'lar vote but, with the backing of Clay, Adams won the electoral vote and went on to win the Presidency. ‘Course, we only had one political party at that time and wudn’t you know it, they wuz Democrats....well, they called themselves Republican the Democrats have got themselves a history of being disorganized.....
Jackson wuz a lot like Hillary in that he wuz a very bad loser.....Matter of fact, if he didn’t invent the ‘payback is a bitch’ thing, he sure wuz an enthusiatic practitoner of it and he became a spoiler....he smiled, just like Hillary, I imagine, 'n prob'ly gave a speech about what an honor it wuz just to have been in the runnin' agin a man like John Quincy, and then he spent the next four years sabotaging everything that John Quincy tried to it ain’t no surprise or, at least, it oughtn’t t’be that the Jackson faction gave birth to the modern Democrat party.....and on a side note, the Republican Democrats became the Republicans.....
Ain’t history just too blame fascinatin’ for words........

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