Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hazy daze....Holidaze....

“Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothin’ the matter with this except it ain’t so.” Mark Twain

Here t’is Thursday already....the sky is grey, hazy from the smoke of all the fires, so many that they ain’t been counted....a thousand, I guess, more or less......Arnie asked people not to buy fireworks for the upcoming Fourth of July...sez it’s too dry, too dangerous....’n he’s right but he’s being excoriated by all the groups that make money off the sale of fireworks...that attitude pretty much sums up the main problem with California politics....namely: budget cuts hurt and nobody wants to be part of the group that gets don’t matter that darn near the ‘hull blame state is burning, a handful of people want to sell their fireworks ‘n they’re mad ‘cuz the Guv sez they should cut back....sounds like the schools....they know the State doesn’t have enuff money to operate but they don’t want to be the ones to take a cut....
That’s sort’a like taxes and the Tooth Fairy.... The Dem’s say that anyone who thinks you c’n balance the budget without raising taxes must still believe in the Tooth Fairy....
Well, heck! Every parent knows who the Tooth Fairy really is and every parent who celebrates Christmas knows only too well who really foots the bill for Santa’s visit and only the terminally naive believe more taxes will lead to a balanced budget.
Every working person who has experienced too much month left at the end of their paycheck knows that all they have to do is go to their employer and say, “I’m having a cash flow problem and I need to assess you for additional revenue to balance my budget.”
And, of course, that old employer just dug a little deeper and said, “Sure, how much do you need?”
But, pigs don’t really fly and I pay the bills for the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, so I understand their reality. What I don’t understand is the reality of tax and spend politicians and the gullibility of people who believe them.

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