Monday, August 18, 2008

Dog days...School daze......

Schoolyard bullies......
A tempest in a teapot......well, not so much to the people who got bombed, killed, maimed, lost their children, parents, homes.....take your the biggest schoolyard bully ever, Russia whomped all over Georgia just because she could.....Putin snapped his fingers in our face as if to say, “What’ta ya gonna do about it?”
And just like the schoolyard bully, he’ll get away with it up until the time enough of his classmates stand up and threaten which time, he’ll back down.....or he won’ which case, he’ll have to be nuked.....and a nuclear world war could very well be Armageddon....’n wouldn’t that be a bitch?
The dog days of August.....
On a lighter note becuz there ain’t a thing that I c’n do about world affairs....heck, there ain’t much I c’n do about much of anything ‘cept shoot my mouth off....It’s the middle of August ‘n t’day’s the first day of school for the g’daughters......In my time, (“School days, school days, good ol’ golden rule days......”) school didn’t start ‘til after Labor that time, at least in Kentucky, it was Autumn, cool mornings, often with an early frost, warming up in the afternoon so the jacket worn in the morning was carried after school....
The first day of school was a big day.....meeting friends that you hadn’t seen all summer.....a big comin’ together, a reunion after almost three months of summer vacation...
S’funny, tho.....I have lots of mem’ries of grade school and junior high but I don’t remember the first day of school for any of those....No, the one I remember was when I transferred from South Portsmouth to a ‘slightly’ larger was 1953...I was fourteen and starting my sophomore year....I wasn’t going as a complete stranger....I had begun school at Fullerton with a lot of the same kids that were already at McKell..... still, it was a much larger school than I’d been attending.
The sophomore class at McKell had about a hundred students....(I don’t think the entire high school at So Ports had that many students.)....and about three hundred kids milling ‘round the schoolyard before the doors were opened....and sure enuff, on that first day in that huge school, I got lost trying to find a classroom....
The South Portsmouth school wuz built (I think) in 1937 ‘n is still in use t’day albeit as a church school.....McKell, on the other hand, a fine limestone building wuz torn down ‘n replaced by a cookie-cutter elementary school. Ah well, sum people call change progress but sumtimes, it’s just change.....

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