Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yesterday people.....

"And though we know not what's in store,
We still trudge on and hope for more."
--Pilfering Peaott,
Appalachian poet

“Those were the days, my friend
We tho’t they’d never end, We’d sing ‘n dance f’rever and a day....”

Most of the people I know look back at their younger days thru the rose-tinted spectacles advised by their optometrists.....Ah, the good old days, those golden yesterdays when the livin’ was easy...the world was a larger and slower place back then and life was chock-full of promise...........
People are fond of reminiscing about their yesterdays, their way back when time when “"life was slow and, oh, so mellow.....”
At Cary’s B’day celebration, she reiterated that she enjoys my rememberies of Kentucky way back when....her husband, Robert, has grown a little tired of my tales ‘n remarked, “O yeah, ridin’ trees down ‘n swingin’ on grapevines like Tarzan.”
“Well” I said, “it wuz fun unless the tree wuz too small or the grapevine turned loose on ya.”
And it was fun.
But now, I”m one of yesterday’s people, a member of the over-the-hill gang, ;"(an old person, not a senior citizen or time-challenged, but an old person.) An old voice, muttering to myself in the wilderness. And ever’ once in a while, I get chided for what I say...seems I’m occasionally politically incorrect.....It’s funny how offensive the plain truth c’n be to the PC folks, how angry they c’n get ‘n how deeply they seem to detest the values and standards of my tired old generation which dinosaurs like me still believe in....God knows that, higher power or not, we all need help.....And what was true once, will undoubtedly be again....the sun will rise and set and the winds will blow and the tide will ebb and flow .......
"and there ain’t a thing y’can do about it."

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