Monday, August 25, 2008

Ev'ryday miracles......

Y’know, when you stop ‘n think about it, life’s just full of little miracles.....
two little dogs jiggling impatiently beside my bed at 6:30 in the morning while I struggle to wake up.....’n the miracle is that they actually wait until I get ‘em outside t’do their ‘bizness’.....
It’s Monday morning, there’s a cool Delta breeze ‘n the morning paper is on the front’s on the front porch most mornings ‘n that’s sumthing of a small miracle too....boys (girls too, sumtimes) used t’deliver the paper in the afternoons (remember those canvas bags they used to carry..wudn’t they be great t’carry your groceries in t’day)......’n the miracle then wuz that most people paid their paperboy on time....y’know, my brother, John, still remembers the tip he got from sum temporary customers that turned out t’be bank robbers.....
I wuz readin’ about the Ha-ha-brew the Dems got goin’ in Denver when I lost interest ‘n decided t’check the ‘net nooze’ and found an e-mail from SonDave in Nepal...
don’t hear from SonDave all that often so I call that a small miracle...hope he incl’s a self foto on his blog, hard to imagine him with trim ‘brows.....
I’m a cancer survivor which, for me personally, is not a small miracle ‘n I keep hearing about friends (and friends of friends) that are battling cancer ‘n I find myself praying for people that I don’t ain’t as hard to talk to people that you don’t know as you might think...(well, y’know, it’s an interior monologue w/out answers)...I tell ‘em stuff like, “Well, my hair came back blond ‘n curly.” And it’s the truth. Sort’a. Hey! You gotta take small miracles the way you see ‘em.....
“Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you ‘n me.”

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