Monday, November 8, 2010

And after the rain, the fog....

Willie's inner clock doesn't reset as easily as the house clocks so he got me up at 5:00 in the AM...he gets pretty insistent 'n hard to ignore....he only weighs about 18 lbs or so but when those lbs are walking on a body, it does get your attention...'n if that don't work, he gets right up in your face...he is nothing if not persistent...anyways, I got up 'n took the two of 'em, it rained pertnear (sound it out, it's Kentuckyism for pretty near) all day yesterday 'n during the night the fog crept in on little cat's feet (Sandburg) so I got to walk out into an obscuring grey mist that muffled the traffic sounds from Sunrise 'n also the early risers among the, even if my calendar hadn't told me, I'd know it was November...summer is officially gone now...the SacBee, our once upon a time newspaper that, like many bad habits, is hard to break...sez that it's going to be a La Nina winter which means that the great Northwest is gonna be wetter than usual 'n the Southwest is gonna be drier...go figure....the Sacramento area is on the cusp 'n could go either way....I dunno, sounds pretty p'litical t'me.....

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