Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well, the old P-Dogger ain’t been up to snuff lately, just mopin’ around, walking slow ‘n paying almost no attention to the chickens....lost his appetite ‘n developed a fondness for grass....not the grass that got shot down in yesterday’s election but real grass, y’know....the green stuff....I spect he’s got hisself an upset tummy....well, it happens in old dogs ‘n old people...nothing sounds good ‘n you end up having toast ‘n coffee ‘stead of bacon ‘n eggs....that’s prob’ly why so many Doctors reccommend a multiple vitamin for old farts....I haven’t taken vitamin pills for many years ‘n never did take very many of ‘em...I don’t like taking pills...they all have side effects...the rule of unintended consequence applies to pills....’course, I guess ev’rything has unintended consequence if you stop ‘n think about it...especially if you stop ‘n think about it, in which case you prob’ly wouldn’t do it....’n not doing it also has unintended consequence....
I guess y’can blame pretty much ev’rything on Karma (or unintended consequence) ‘n then you don’t have to take responsibility for much of anything....well, anything y’don’t want to take credit in sunny California, we the voters evidently want to be able to lay all the blame for ev’rything that goes wrong on our corrupt Legislature....that’s prob’ly why we keep electing the same old corrupt politicians....
Y’know, it’s hard to quit thinkin’ in things p’litical after having so many ads, commercials, robo-calls....if y’ain’t a p’litical maven, you just gotta be sick t’death of just about ever’thing p’litical....
It’s such a nice day, a warm day, somewhere around 80o or thereabouts, not all that unusual for November here in Ol Fair Oaks but still welcome just the’n Willie ‘n the P-Dogger just went for a little stroll...the P-Dogger is feeling a little better, perking up somewhat, still not chasing chickens but we got Willie for that....’n we went a little early t’day so the chickens were still out....we’ll have t’go later as well, I imagine, but that won’t be ‘til around 6:00 or so....this coming weekend is the TIME CHANGE when ever’one has to turn their clocks back an hour....well, I spoze you don’t absolutely HAVE to turn your clocks back if you don’t want to but almost ever’one will ‘n if you don’t, you’ll oversleep ‘n be late for work...that’s an excuse that almost always works at least once at this time of year but only once....I’m just sayin’.....

1 comment:

kelbutt said...

Hope Rusty's feeling better soon! xoxo