Saturday, November 27, 2010

So, it’s a slow, rainy Sati’day with Millyrose piled up on the couch ‘n just starting to feel the ‘other’ effects of her that she’s getting used to the pain in her shoulder (oh, I didn’t tell ev’ryone, did I? Well, she didn’t want me to say anything about her falling ‘n breaking her shoulder)...anyways, now she’s feeling the pain in her knees ‘n shins ‘n all the other places that took a little less of a beating than her shoulder....
She’s a baaaad patient, is Millyrose..she keeps wanting t’do stuff...I keep telling her that she should just pile up on the sofa ‘n give orders but she finds that frustrating....
‘n of course, I don’t take direction all that well...
We had a great T’ Kellye’s house ‘n Kellye did the turkey but that’s another story ‘n then yesti’day we went to Kellyes for leftovers...
But t’day, t’day I scrambled some eggs ‘n threw a handful of biscuits in the oven ‘n drank six cups of coffee ‘n walked the dogs in the rain....the water just beads up on the P-dogger ‘n is easily brushed off but pore little ol Willie just gets wet all over ‘n all the way thru...he’s my little Huckleberry scamp ‘n he’s incorrigible....
Anyways, t’day is a day for old movies ‘n hot chock’lit ‘n maybe a nap or two....
take care...keep your powder dry...’n remember....Nostalgia ain’t what it use’ta be....

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