Thursday, March 15, 2012

"The best way to find out if you c'n trust somebody is to trust them..."

At least it ain't raining at the moment ~ walking da boyz thru a wet landscape ain't quite as bad as walking 'em in the rain ~ they get muddy feet that have t'be wiped off 'cuz dogs're like little boyz 'n they simply won't learn to wipe their feet but since they don't get wet all over, they don't have that wet-dog smell that seems to permeate their surroundings...

Ronald Reagan said, "Trust, but verify!" Seems t'me that Barack Obama's kind'a failed on that verify part.....

Obama sez now that the high gas prices ain't his fault but I seem to recall 'way back when he said, "Energy costs will skyrocket!" I personally don't understand why you can't have wind 'n solar power right along with all those nasty fossil fuels that wuz such a big part of making this country a world power but those progressive liberals put a lot of emphasis on 'their way or the highway'...trubble is, their way don't seem t'be any highway ~ guess we're all s'pozed to ride those high-speed trains from coast to coast without ever stopping to smell the roses in the middle of the country...the Obama economic plan seems t'be, if two wrongs don't make a right, try three...

It's my belief that the only promise Obama has kept is his promise to raise the price of gas but then he said that it didn't make any sense that a sitting President 'ud raise the price of gasoline while running for re-election...I guess those evil republicans who are already conspiring to disenfranchise women 'n minority voters while accusing our first black President of class warfare have also rigged the gas prices just to make Obama look bad....

To paraphrase an old riverboat pilot on gettin' older ~ "I been thru sum turrible things in my life, sum of which ackshully happened."

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