“You pray for rain, y’gotta deal with the mud too.” Denzel Washington
I don’t recall the first time I heard sumone say, “If you want a thing done right, you should do it yourself.”
I think children take that kind of stuff to heart ‘n grow up believing the things that old people tell ‘em..
Problem is, over the years, I’ve learned that things get done no matter what my imput wuz...(‘course, whether they get done right or not is a matter always open for discourse)...
I ‘uz looking out the window at the south forty all green ‘n overgrown with the Spring rains ‘n wuz thinking that if the sun wuz shining ‘n if I felt a little more energetic ‘n if I had all the proper tools, why I c’d just go out there ‘n mow ‘n chop ‘n dig ‘n plant ‘n maybe shift some stones around from here to there ‘n maybe put in a couple little gnomes ‘n garden benches...ah but then I got tired ‘n dawned on my that Mother Nature is a far better gardener than I’ll ever be ‘n what I should ackshully do is stay out of Her way...
maybe put on a raincoat ‘n walk the dogs down the street...a simple task for the simple-minded (sighhhhhh)...
My good buddy Vic just turned 75 t’other day...if he wuz one ‘a the seven dwarves, he’d be Grouchy or wuzzat Grumpy...’course, he’s one of them believers in doing stuff hisownself ‘cuz he likes it done to his own personal specifications while I’m just as comfortable with factory specs...I dunno ~ if I wuz one ‘a them seven dwarves if I’d be Happy or Dopey but seems like no matter what, I’d still only get t’be one a’ the Indians ‘n never a Chief...
And while it’s the Chiefs that go down in hist’ry, seems like an awful lot of ‘em come to the end of the road sudden-like ‘n it’s the common folk that hist’ry is really about even if they can’t get all the names straight...
And if they sumhow did manage to get all the names in the book, there wudn’t be space for anything else...be sort’a like reading a telephone book (which is rapidly reaching dodo bird status anyways)...
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, y’gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton
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