Ever’bodys talking about the high price of gasoline but nobodys doing anything about it...might s’well be talking about the weather...
Mostly, people are blaming speculators for driving up the price of gasoline but blaming gamblers for betting on anything is like counting flies in a Georgia barbershop on a hot summers day...it helps to pass the time but it don’t do anything about the flies...
I reckon if the New York Stock Exchange could’a made a profit in the futures market by speculating on the weather, it’d been a done deal long ago...
I woke up about an hour ago thinking about Santorum 'n wond'ring if maybe he ain't been a Chicago Machine operative all along...an out of office politician is an awful lot like an out of work actor, they'll pretty much take any job that comes along...'n wudn't it be a funny thing if the 'Dirty Tricks Democrats' had hired him to drive a wedge between Romney 'n Gingrich only to find out that he somehow had managed to become a viable candidate on his own...talk about win-win...'course, Bob Beckel 'ud say that they ain't that smart but since it popped up in my ibuprofen dreams, it can't be that smart even if it almost worked...
That's sort'a like the scenario my Bro John came up with for McCains loss in the last election...he thinks McCain deliberately threw the election 'cuz he didn't want t'be in the hotbird seat when the economy went south...I don't think McCain is that smart but if you've been reading my blogs, you should have a pretty good idea that I ain't ever been the brightest bulb on the tree...
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