You can't really control your dreams ~ that wuz one 'a the problems with LSD, if you'll recall...the 'bad trips' dominated the news while the controlled 'n monitored 'trips' went mostly unheraldefd (what a word ~ means untrumpeted)...anywaze, LSD for all the fanfare turned out t'be basically a dead-end trip (occasionally literally but that's another story as Moustache wuz fond'a saying)...('n if you don't get my obscure asides from old movies, tuff! shrugggg)
But getting back to those uncontrollable dreams, I had a really, really deep 'n insightful dream about the Obama/Clinton/Chicago Machine that wuz terrifying (sort'a like Orwell's 'Animal Farm' which is basically a gothic horror story ~ makes you wonder about his dreams)...
I blame the current state of my dreams on the lingering effects of my recent cold (an upper respitory infection graciously provided me by my choice of bed partners)...anywaze, the combination of low-grade fever, assorted pain medications, etcetera led to a semi-somnambulant state of self-inflicted near comatosity on my part that allowed my brain to wander Enterprise-like thru the infinite universe that constitutes our imagination; to wit, I dreamt!
And, of course, having dreamt throughout my minor hibernation, I have awakened 'n now find m'self in my more normal state of insomnia which brought me to this somewhat Kerouacian outpouring regarding the dreamscape of an aging mind...
And if you've actually bothered to read this far, welcome to the asylum...
God save the Queen, flush the damn toilet 'n go back to bed!
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