'n I don't haf'ta 'pologize cuz I ain't got no sponsors anyway...
"It's better to offer no excuse than a bad one." G. Washington
It’s a breezy sooper toosday here in Ol Fair Oaks, cool enuff for a windbreaker anyways...
Got a letter from our new Supervisor inviting us to a ‘special’ meeting to discuss the streetscape project (neospeak) for a ride on that progressive liberal gravy train...a half-million dollar ‘grant’ (more neospeak meaning free money with only a few strings) practically guaranteed to make Ol Fair Oaks Village a destination spot for the region...they intend to turn the main drag (Fair Oaks Blvd) into a ‘complete street’ with sidewalks, new pedestrian curb extensions (?)...a mid-block crossing, enhanced bike routes, added decorative street lighting and landscape amenities...my guess is, the sidewalks ‘n street lights we currently have ain’t ‘decorative’ enuff...
Well, I’m sure most, if not all, of the business operators in the Village are in favor of anything that might bring a little more business but I also think that is sumthing that would be true for business owners anywhere...I just hope to hell they stay off my little street ‘cuz I don’t want sidewalks ‘n street lights altho’ I wudn’t be adverse to a couple speed bumps to slow down those lost souls looking for a shortcut around Sunrise traffic...’course, we seldom get the same ones twice’t ‘cuz we definitely ain’t much good as a shortcut...
"Congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so's we c'd identify their corporate sponsors." Anon.
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