Saturday, August 18, 2012

Detente or not detente...

"Was you ever bit by a dead bee?"  Eddie (Walter Brennan) To Have 'n Have not

Normally, I like to take a 'live 'n let live' attitude toward life….if I were a practicing Buddhist, why I wudn't even kill a fly but I ain't a Buddhist, practicing or otherwise, 'n I'll kill a fly in a heartbeat if it chances to bother me….of course, if it don't bother me, why I'm quite content to share my world with it…'n with other assorted critters 'n I try not t'be judgmental about it….BUT when ants invade my kitchen, they gotta go 'n if they won't (or can't) listen to reason, I'll break out the bombs 'n do a Hiroshima on 'em…AND when it comes to yellowjackets 'n wasps, I'd prefer not to do battle with 'em but when they get so territorial that they attack me (mostly their stings don't hurt all that much but the little beggar t'other nite…) anyway, the little beggar got me in the foot 'n I spent the evening with my foot propped up 'n an ice bag on it…that necessitated a trip to Lowe's 'n the purchase of some heavy duty spray that guaranteed to eliminate hornets, wasps, 'n yellowjackets 'n other flying insects too numerous to name….Anyways, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to Buddha 'n to suggest that if he has any influence over these critters, he should at least negotiate a 'Mexican standoff' kind of detonated where we could all live 'n let live…….

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