Monday, August 6, 2012

Journey to Crescent City 'n back ag'in, jiggety-jog

Well, we went 'n now, we're back….'n a big ol hairy-ass trip, it wuz…all the way t' the northwest corner of the state 'n back…we looked at all the alternate routes we c'd take 'n  none of 'em seemed like a good way to go so we flipped a coin 'n wudn't cha know, we took the wrong one….well, it ain't like there wuz a right choice anyway….what we did, wuz we took 80 down to Vallejo 'n crossed over to 101 at San Rafael 'n found that we wuz stuck in 'The  101 parking lot north…that is t'say, bumper t'bumper t'bumper all the way to Santa Rosa 'n beyond….somewhere south of Eureka, we had ourselves a little rain 'n fog 'n that, coupled with a long 'n winding road took us all the way to Crescent City….'n it only took about 12 hours….ah well, as Barretta use'ta say in almost every show, "That's the name of that tune."
Anyways people, it's green up there on the north coast 'n a lot cooler than the Sacramento valley…I took a light jacket 'n long pants 'n my goat ropers but I never used them at all…what it wuz, wuz just cool enuff to make me sleepy…
There wuz a big house party overlooking the ocean where everybody sat around telling lies 'n slapping their knees (hyperbole) 'n eating 'n drinking 'n generally having a good time….
Back at the KOA that evening, we had a bonfire (well, durn near everyone in the campground had their own individual bonfires) 'n sat around rehashing the day over s'mores 'n other stuff 'n then off to bed as the fog rolled in….
Woke up to thunder 'n a handful of raindrops 'n the obligatory decision as to the route home….
After the coin flip, we headed for Oregon 'n the circuitous route that, on paper at least, seemed longest but turned out t'be shorter 'n much less complicated….ah well, live 'n learn, live 'n learn…..

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