Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sunday dinner at Grandma's house....

I got accused t'other day of 'too many p'litical rants' so this's the only thing I'm going to say about politics t'day….

"Alexander Hamilton started the U.S.Treasury with nothing -  'n that's the closest our country has ever been to being even."  Will Rogers

When I wuz a boy, we almost always went to Grandma's for Sunday dinner….I'm not sure when they bought the log house on Calvert Lane in Nauvoo (West Portsmouth) altho' I'm pretty sure that's where brother John wuz born…I know they lived there when I wuz eight years old cuz for awhile, we lived right across the street from 'em….'n then we moved to Beattyville 'n I started in Third Grade…
It wuz a small house with, I think, two bedrooms altho' I could be mistaken…but I recall the dining room 'n Sunday dinners on a big round table…for the adults, of course….there wuz a smaller table, a 'Kid's Table'….I don't remember just how old I wuz when I got to move to the adult table…
It wuz a 'tradition' and it continued after we made the move to California 'cept now it wuz my parents 'n the family all went to Granny's for Sunday dinner…
We don't do that any more!
Well, it wuz a lot of work 'n times have changed…"We live in changing times" is a phrase that pops up now 'n  then, quite often accompanied with a profound nod as tho' it only happens now 'n then…I think there's a magazine somewhere called 'Changing Times' 'n I know there's an 'Antique' store in Ol Fair Oaks by that name…Heck!  There may be hundreds of 'Antique' stores across the country (maybe the world) by that name…
I do miss the family dinners although I don't think I'm up for all the effort that would be required…I don't think they'll make a comeback in my lifetime…well, at least not in my family…I'm sure that it's a continuing tradition in some families...

God or the universe (for the secularists among you) has provided all that man needs or will ever need; neither God nor science has the capability to provide all that man wants!  

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