Friday, August 31, 2012

"Blue Moon of Kentucky, keep on shinin'...."

God or the universe (for the secularists among you) has provided all that man needs or will ever need; neither God nor science has the capability to provide all that man wants!

Well, here t'is a Blue Moon Friday 'n cooler weather is upon us…ain't that a kick? They say there ain't gonna be another one 'til 2015…'course, the moon don't really take on a blue color, it's just that people call it that….y'know, once in a blue moon kind'a thing…signifies the rarity of two full moons in one month…well, heck!  it's sumthin' other than politics to talk about anyway…
 Labor Day signifies the end of summer 'n darned if the weather don't co-operate by cooling off almost enuff to switch into long pants 'n on our evening walk, I almost wish's….nah! not yet….
We got a big ol black 'n white rooster 'cross the street that thinks he's the Cock o' the walk…the Chicken Wrangler gives him a lot of special attention 'n he's getting a little aggressive, enuff so that one of my neighbors has taken to carrying a stick on her walks…
he don't mess with me 'n da boy howsumever 'cause I'd let Willie at him…they're about the same size but if he don't take to the air, Willie's liable to get hisself a mouthful of tail feathers…That'd be an Eastwood day for him….
On a slightly p'litical side note, I liked Old Clint's improv…he's been taking some heat from the liberal media over it…anywhere from old 'n slightly demented to scripted Republican ploy that failed….
After listening to the pontification of a whole gang of over-blown p'litical know-it-all's, I'd just like to say that for all of Mr. Eastwood's success, he seems to have retained a sense of where he came from 'n his common-sense remarks hit pretty close to least, that's how I understood it….
'n on a final note, I don't think Sandra Fluke'll come even close to the once upon a time Rowdy Yates…..

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