Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Roosters crow just before the sun rises.
Therefore, roosters crowing cause the sun to rise."
an example of 'Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (after this, therefore because of this)

Turned the bedroom air down to 72o 'n slept like a…I wuz gonna say 'baby' but you know that's a lie…the only time someone my age sleeps like a baby is when they got a healthy dose of drugs in their belly…but I slept pretty well last nite…Rusty got me up only once to remind me that we're both old 'n need to pee…he's a good old dogger but I didn't want to wake up at that p'ticklar least, I tho't I didn't, turns out, I did….walked outside, the sky wuz clear 'n there wuz just the slightest hint of a breeze…not enough to be called a Delta Breeze (which 'ud be nice) but still, a Who is a Who no matter how small…
Both dogs have been out, they've been fed 'n watered 'n my coffee is ready….oh, 'n I'm quite happy with the Romney/Ryan Express, thank you 'n have a good day!

"Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get."  Mark Twain

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