Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Blah, blah, blah.....

"Ev'ry cloud has a silver lining, I guess…on these damp, grey, miserable, rainy daze, a body c'n really enjoy a bad mood."

Got the winter blahs, I guess….Millyrose asked me if I wuz sick or just still down in the mouth over the election...
I think maybe it's just the rainy season 'n the dark skies cuz I ain't sick at all 'n the election wuz just a damfool waste of ever'bodys time…
The news is depressing, howsumever, as all they c'n seem to talk about is that durn 'fiscal cliff' that we're all gonna go over…what gets me going tho' is the fact that it all seems t'be smoke 'n mirrors with our showbizness president…he's making a big stink about negotiating with the republicans when I'm pretty sure it ain't about that at all…you got to watch this man, when he's waving one hand 'n crying wolf, you c'n bet that his other hand is picking your pocket…it's the way he's operated since he first came on the p'litical scene….
Anyway, I don't think that's what has me feelin' blue as I've sort'a adopted a wait 'n see attitude cuz when the bottom drops out, I'm gonna get to say "I told you so." to a whole bunch of people who I won't embarrass here by naming names but to quote brother John again, "You know who you are!"
I think it's just the absence of sunshine…seems like I've become addicted to blue skies…makes me understand why people back in the 'states go to tanning parlors….
So, I've had two naps t'day already 'n it ain't over yet…da boyz keep a close watch on me 'n if it looks like I'm heading for the bedroom, they run in 'n jump on the bed…I don't know who's training who…..
Lookin' forward to some chili t'nite…maybe I'll sneak in there when Millyrose ain't lookin' 'n add some more cayenne to the mix…'course, if I do that, she'll know after the first couple bites 'n I'll be in  trubble ag'in….(maybe I'll just wait 'n add it to my own dish instead ~ life's easier when you don't go lookin' for a fight)…

"Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat.
Please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny, a ha-penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha-penny, then God bless you."
Anon…(one of my favorite authors)

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