Saturday, December 29, 2012

I just saw an ad for men's jeans 'n the watch pocket has now evolved to become the cell-phone pocket…proof positive that Darwin wuz right all along….

It's kind of an in-between week now…Christmas over 'n the New Year almost but not quite here…it's been a quiet week here in Ol Fair Oaks, well, for me 'n da boyz anyhow…
It didn't use'ta be that way….I'm pretty sure that when I wuz younger, the week between Christmas 'n New Years Eve wuz pretty darn wired…when you're young, that's party time…back then, the parties seemed to start around Hallowe'en, kind'a saunter into Thanksgiving 'n then get up a major head of steam going into Christmas 'n blow the whole thing to Smithereens on New Years Eve….at least, that's the way I sort'a semi-recollect….
Mark Twain said that when he wuz a young man, he had an excellent mem'ry that allowed him to remember ever'thing…even stuff that never happened…makes me wonder sumtimes just how many of my mem'ries are real 'n how many of 'em maybe just happened in my imagination….
Problem is, I got a writers mem'ry which makes ever'thing either worse or better but not quite what it actually wuz….d'ya see?
Honest Abe has been all over lately becuz of the books 'n the movie 'n p'litical stuff that just keeps happening whether anybody pays attention to it or not…I like to quote Mr. Lincoln now 'n then, 'n one of the things he's s'pozed to have said wuz that "No man has a good enuff mem'ry t'be a successful liar." But, then he never met Bill Clinton…I figure Old Bill has got himself one helluva mem'ry…either that or he just don't give a darn…anyhow, he puts Obama in the shade 'n if Hilary runs for Prez in 2016, we'll sure as heck get t'see 'n hear a lot more out of William Jefferson Clinton, God bless his cigars 'n dirty socks....
There's a line from a Tom T. Hall song, about sittin' in a bar pouring blended whisky down…'n that's what I wuz doing New Years Eve, 1956…feelin' a bit on the morose side of things 'n someone asked me about New Year resolutions…..I resolved then 'n there to never bother with 'em 'n have stuck with it ever since…..Justin Other Smith

"New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no p'ticklar use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks 'n friendly calls 'n humbug resolutions."  Mark Twain

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