“The full area of ignorance is unmapped; we are at present only exploring the fringe.”
So, while watching Fox Snooze-Nooze this Sunday morn, I saw that a big portion of the USA wuz gonna have sum really, really warm weathcr...in the nineties across a wide swath of the country (how often duz one get t’use the word ‘swath’ in a sentence anyway) ~ It’s a bright, beautiful sunny day here in NorCal after a long rainy nite ~ I ain’t seen the local weather report as of yet but I bet there’s snow on the Sierra ‘n that’s a good thing cuz we’re prob’ly never gonna have enuff water anymore or, at least, as long as we keep allowing people to live here...
In olden times, when areas got too populous ‘n the people used up the local resources (timber, water, etc) why they just packed up ‘n moved on...trubble is nowadaze, we’ve purty much used up not only the timber ‘n water but the space itsownself...we’ve literally blacktopped paradise ‘n turned it into a parking lot which we are rapidly filling up with rusty old gas-guzzlers that are becoming too expensive to run...the ‘save the world’ movement is forcing the issue by devaluing our money ‘n making gasoline so expensive that we’re gonna be forced into alternative solutions...only thing is, they didn’t really extrapolate far enuff...the law of unintended consequence is sort’a like the way it wuz in days of old when loggers spread across the country like ants ‘n stripped the country of our primeval forests ~ when you cut ‘em down ‘n burn ‘em up, they don’t come back ~ ‘n the pathetic little enclaves of ‘protected old growth forests’ are simply a reminder of what once was ‘n never will be again...well, as long as we humans dominate the earth anyway...Mother Nature prob’ly has a plan for that as well ~ maybe another ‘Great Flood’ that’ll take most mammals ‘n turn us into fossil fuel for some distant civilization...Boyoboy, that Mama Nature plays a mean April Fools joke, don’t she?
“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.”
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