Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nuthin' worse'n a fam'ly fight....

 "Sumtimes it seems a shame that Noah 'n his party didn't miss the boat."  Mark Twain

This's a serious election we got comin' up….never saw the country so divided in all my life 'n according to the hist'ry books, the last time we wuz so split wuz the election of 1860 which preceded the Civil War 'n that didn't turn out so good…
Seems like those people who like to think of theirselves as 'Progressive Liberals' have a whole different understanding of the English language from the rest of us…we appear to be diametrically opposed 'n we keep saying the same things to each other but we just don't seem to hear each other…
Years ago, I use'ta run alongside the American River 'n when I wuz finished with my run, I'd jump in the river, swim out to the middle where the current wuz strongest 'n turn 'n swim against the current just swimming in place….'n when I got tired, I'd just turn 'n swim to shore 'n rest for awhile 'n go home….kind'a feels the same talkin' to my liberal friends 'n fam'ly….
According to family hist'ry, back in that election of 1860, part of my family took up arms for the Confederacy 'n part of 'em sided with the Union….Heck!  The whole state of Kentucky pretty much did that…we wudn't the only state that split…a lot of border states did the same 'n saw not only some of the bloodiest fighting of that horrible war but the aftermath saw blood feuds 'n family hatreds that still exist to an extent in this, the Twentyfirst Century….Boy, I'll  tell'ya, people got the longest damned mem'ries….
Now, we appear t'be in much the same situation 'n what the outcome is gonna be is anybodys guess but I'm thinkin' there's gonna be hard feelings no matter who wins…
It took pretty much a hundred years to heal most of the wounds from our last Civil war 'n you'd think that reasonable men 'n women would'a learned from that hist'ry that it's best for everyone if we could all just get along…..

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