Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chicken or the egg....????

"Things that you're liable to read in the Bible ain't necessarily so…." Sporting Life in Porgy ''n Bess (Gershwin)

There are people (literalists, they call 'em) who believe implicitly in the Holy Bible.  If it says it in the Bible, it just has t'be true 'n if it ain't in the Bible, well…
On the proverbial other hand, there are people (secularists, they call 'em) who believe the Bible is just another book 'n there ain't anything inspired about it at all…
Now the literalists believe in the concept of Creation because the Bible says so 'n the secularists believe in Evolution because Charly Darwin aka: Scientist, tells 'em so….
Now that sounds t'me pretty much like six of one 'n half dozen of another…like if you flip a coin, heads I win 'n tails, you lose…that kind'a game, if y'know what I mean...
"Course, you also get secularists mocking literalists because The Bible asks their adherents to accept on faith whereas secularists base their beliefs in Holy Science that purports to have the ability to prove all their theorems scientifically….while conveniently overlooking when science seriously debated how many angels could take up space on the head of a pin….of course, in science, whenever a scientific theorem proves to have been false, science simply shrugs 'n disavows it as a mistake….sort'a like a politician doesn't really lie but does misspeak once't in a rare while….
Now you might think that since I obviously am not a secularist, why then I must of necessity be a literalist….not so!  I reject out of hand the hypothesis that I must be either one or the other…I am a confirmed 'n devout fence-straddler 'n from my lofty position, I c'n state most emphatically that the grass is pretty much the same shade of green on both sides…
Now, in regards to the question of Creation versus Evolution, it's my belief that the story of Creation is a really good way of explaining the world to children; 'n Evolution seems t'be a pretty good way of explaining the same world to rebellious teenagers…('n yeah, all teenagers rebell, it's in the dna 'n the ones who don't seem t'be rebelling are just acting for the fun of keeping their parents fooled)...
You might think that at my advanced age, I would have a clue to an adult version of how everything came t'be but I guess I'm just not adult enough tho' I am working on it, or at it, whichever you prefer….
I wuz talking with a friend of mine t'other day who just got a new knee 'n she's working  up  to getting a new hip t'go with it…She told me she wuz getting old….I haven't seen her in a few decades so I find that hard to believe cuz when I picture her in my mind, she still looks as she did in her teens…
Mem'ries are a wonderful thing t'have whether they're real or fictional...

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