Friday, May 11, 2012

Fridays, go figure...

"Apparently, there is nuthin' that cannot happen t'day."  Mark Twain

Early up this Friday 'cuz Willie really hadda go 'n a body just can't trust him outside without a leash…he goes deaf 'n won't hear a thing that you might say to him…y'know sumthin' like, "C'mon back here!"  No problem when he's tethered, he hears perfectly fine then…
Anywayze, this day has dawned fine 'n clear 'n most definitely gonna be on the warmish side so I made sure to get our forenoon stroll around the park over 'n dunwith before the heat…as I wuz crossing the street (basically to get to the other side) I saw an old graybeard exit the Deli/coffeeshop 'n head off down the street…now what it wuz that made the old graybeard p'tick'ly noticeable wuz the fact that he wuz sporting a kilt…'n a camo-kilt at that…now this being California, of course, one learns over time to expect the unexpected so often that it ain't all that unexpected any more (confused yet?)…what the heck, we elected Governor Moonbeam twice…'course, he had a 30 year break between terms 'n I have to believe that even the Democrats that voted him back in were under the belief that he had evolved somewhat in that time…which hearkens to the definition of insanity that claims doing the same thing 'n expecting a different result…well, we are famous for being the land of fruits 'n nutz, aren't we?
So, as we were traversing the huge parking lot (?) where once stood the Shire Road Pub, an elderly (older'n me) man came out of the mortuary 'n almost tripped over his own feet watching the guy in the camo-kilt…a middle-aged woman leaning against a car (the elderly mans daughter, as it turned out) wuz also watching…
"Tain't often y'see a man in a kilt" sez I,  to which she remarked, "I wonder what he's wearing underneath."  
"A matter of personal choice, I expect." I replied as da boyz dragged me away…Little dogs c'n get you into a lot of conversations with people but they c'n also get you out…having a really good exit strategy is always a good plan…

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