Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Raindrops are fallin' on my head…"

Raindrops ain't p'ticklar about whatever part of your anatomy they fall on…if you ain't got enuff sense to come in out of the rain, you're gonna get wet…"and that's the truth!"  Edith Anne….
It ain't unusual for Sacamenna to get a little rain 'n chill over Memorial weekend…everybody expects that the weather is gonna be  hot this time of year but seems like more often than not, the Jazz Festival has been marked by chilly, rainy weather…
Mark Twain famously stated, not necessarily about Sacramento,  "Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it."  Local scribes are noted for quoting our most famous non-resident becuz he worked for a short time for the now defunct Sacramento Union (A republican rag) which wuz (in large part) run out'a town by McClatchy News (SacBee~famously democrat) cuz they tho't that the absence of competition 'ud make it easier for them to make money 'n set policy…Now they're scrambling for money (they say) 'n The Bee seems t'be succumbing from liberal dry rot altho' once in a while (rare) they seem actually to stumble upon a story that bears publishing…like the recent story on the nature of wild life management…and that story read as though it should'a been, could'a been culled from the pages of a news magazine (which don't really seem to exist anymore either)….ah, the demise of print journalism…t'ain't really dying, y'know…it's just morphing into something else…that's the true meaning of evolution…the Darwin crap the secularists would have you believe just ain't so…I get a kick when people expect me to take science on faith but fail to understand when I tell 'em that's the definition of religion…talk about the tail wagging the dog…

"we are confronted with insurmountable opportunities."  Pogo

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