Thursday, May 10, 2012

Press 1 for English...

So Millyrose called AT&T 'n made a deal to upgrade the service so's she c'd use her ipad which to date she's been unable to come to terms with (I ain't come to terms with it either but then I don't want to)…anyways, we got a fancy new modem that after a 3 day struggle 'n more frustrating 'fone calls to AT&T than I want to enumerate, has finally got 4 green lites glowing the way they're s'pozed to (except I still can't get on the internet)…ahhhhhhwellllll, t'morrow's another day….
Anyhow, after a stressfull 'n almost harrowing 2 hours on the phone with a good ol' boy from eastern Kentucky (sumwhere 'round 'n about the Ashland area) who assured me that 'I'm gonna fix your problems 'cuz I don't give up."   But, then he gave up 'n arranged for an actual real-life human bean to come to the house tomorrow 'n fix the problem…ah well, tomorrow's another day…
Millyrose 'n I got in the car, turned on the a/c 'n headed out for Winco for sum of the necessities of life (let your imagination wander wherever it will)…we found a parking place in the shade which I took t'be a good sign 'n we traipsed into the crowded aisles of Winco…
At the checkout, we found ourselves behind a woman who wuz behind a young mother who really wuz stressed 'n harried as she wuz coping with bagging a lot of stuff while dealing with a baby in a stroller 'n a grandmother with a walker,    who wasn't quite sure where she wuz or what she wuz doing there…
Now, normally I find Winco t'be a very customer friendly place but t'day, for whatever reason (maybe the tatt's 'n the somewhat strident voice, I dunno) but nobody stepped forward to help this young mother….by the time I got up to the cashier, the woman ahead of me had managed to bypass the stroller 'n the walker 'n wuz bagging her own (relatively small) order on the other side while the harried young mom piled  plastic bags on top of each other in her cart...
As Millyrose 'n I bagged our necessities, the young mother began to herd the grandmother 'n the baby stroller toward the exit while towing the overloaded grocery cart…'n nobody from the normally customer-friendly Winco offered to help so what's a good ol boy t'do, I mean I wuz once upon a time a boy scout (ackshully twice't upon a time) so while Millyrose pushed our little cart, I stepped forward 'n offered to help…Well, you know, it's a feel-good thing 'n while I probably didn't make this young lady's day a whole lot better, I certainly  didn't make it any worse…
So, that's me patting m'self on the back which I think everyone is entitled t'do once't in a while...

"The only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is the bred in the bone inefficiency of the thing."

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