Friday, May 18, 2012

A quiet night....

"I've been studying the traits 'n dispositions of the 'lower animals' 'n contrasting them with the traits 'n dispositions of men 'n find the results most humiliating."  Mark Twain

Well, it's late on a Friday nite 'n the world around me is pretty quiet…nobody disturbing the roosters 'n even the chihuahua across the street seems to have settled in for the night altho' truth be told as soon as the Chicken Whisperer gets restless 'n goes roaming down the street, he'll be the first to announce it…I hear her talking to the moon 'most nights (as an old moon-talker myownself, I can't fault her too much for that) 'n I see her up early, loaded with buckets of chicken feed, making her first round of the day…then I think she sleeps most of the day 'cuz I don't see her until she makes her evening rounds…she carries two big plastic buckets 'n spreads the feed around the village…seems like wherever me 'n da boyz stroll, we're just following her trail…Willie, who'll eat anything, will stop occasionally to nibble at the chicken feed but Rusty is more p'ticklar…well, for a dog anyway since I think it may be a dog law that they have to try to eat durn near anything…they're a lot like humans in that respect…
The fact that humans are omnivorus critters that breed indiscriminately is prob'ly why we're over-populating this planet of ours as fast as we can…I read someplace t'other day that we've drilled thru a couple miles of ice up in the Artic somewhere 'n tapped into a lake of pristine water that's not seen the light of day since prob'ly before Adam…I tell ya, once't we get our grubby human  paws on something, it don't stay pristine very long…A couple years ago, some science fellers found what wuz possibly the oldest tree on earth 'n promptly cut it down so's they could count the rings to find out just how old it wuz so they could write it down 'n put it in a record book that they could store under glass in a museum…reminds me of when I wuz a boy 'n my younger brother, John, 'ud get his hands on a new toy which he would immediately dismantle to see what made it tick…'n could never put Humpty-Dumpty back together again…
I ain't making any judgements here, y'understand…I'm just glad that I ain't the one that killed the last Dodo bird or Carrier pigeon or whatever 'n I won't be the one to cut down the last giant Redwood but I'd bet a nickel than when we get down to the two last people on this planet 'n they build a spaceship that'll allow them to escape, they'll get into an argument about where they're going….

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