Thursday, May 10, 2012

One more time, ba-da-boom.....

"Ridin' the range once more...."

Y'know, the 'net is a wondrous thing, specially for an old information junkie like me… I never go to an encyclopedia anymore 'cuz ever'thing I want to look up is on the 'net..more information than I ever tho't I might want to know about is at my fingertips…I can read newspapers from around the world 'n I can comment on the stories that I read there…it's truly amazing…And then, you interact with AT&T…And it all goes away…'n there ain't a darn thing that you c'n do about it…oh, you can call the 800 number so thoughtfully provided 'n get the most polite recording in the world that will engage you in a most frustrating game of 'Round Robin'….until you get to the point that if you have access to a shotgun could easily result in terminating your computer, your telephone 'n even the darn television…might even make you want to blow holes in the walls of your house…could easily have the end result of the authorities coming in to take you away for a nice rest in a pea-green institution somewhere in the wine country…'course, you wudn't be getting any of the wine but you would get your meals catered courtesy of the taxpayers…if AT&T picked up the tab, it might be worth it...
All that said, when I finally made human contact with AT&T at a secret facility located in the hills of eastern Kentucky, Tom 'n Teri 'n Alex ('n a couple others whose names escaped my brittle mind) were extremely helpful 'n with their help, I plugged various 'n sundry cords 'n connectors into 'n out of assorted slots 'n somewhere in the darkness, the gambler he broke even...ackshully, sometime during the nite, all on its ownsome, the modem evidently decided it had grown tired of playing mind games with me so when I woke up this morning 'n looked at it, all the lights that were s'pozed t'be green were in point of fact, I called AT&T, spoke with Alex who led me thru the process of re-establishing computer contact with the world at large 'n here we are...back in the saddle again...

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