Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinco de Mayo weekend...

"There ain't a shred of evidence in favor of the idea that life is serious."

Fair Oaks Fiesta is this weekend…two whole daze of tourists blocking the streets…'n all of 'em wanting t'see the fabled Fair Oaks feral fowl but they'll wonder where all the chickens are when they get here 'cuz while chickens are pretty dumb on the evolutionary scale (somewhere akin to politicians) they're smart enuff to get out'a Dodge when the trailhead comes t'town…'n this time I got the timing right…I rolled out the garbage cans to block off the front of the homestead so maybe I c'n keep 'em from parking in my Elephant Ears (I don't know what the real name is)…the rest of Crestline is doing pretty much the same…t'ain't that we don't like tourists but it promises t'be pretty crowded this weekend what with all the advertising…last year the movers 'n shakers of Ol Fair Oaks tried to change the name 'n called it Fair Oaks Fest of some such but that didn't prove t'be too pop'lar so this year they went back to the time-honored Fair Oaks Fiesta…I don't know how many years they've called it that but that wuz the name of it when we first got here 'way back in the 'sixties…I got to talking with one 'o the park employees t'other day 'n he asked me which I tho't wuz the most popular, Fair Oaks Fiesta or Fair Oaks Chickenfest…I tole him that since the Chickenfest wuz only a couple years old then the Fiesta just had t'be the winner….turned out he's a Kentucky boy (family from Sandy Hook…that's in Elliot county 'n about half the size of South Shore)…

"My formula for living is quite simple.  I get up in the morning 'n I go to bed at night.  In between, I occupy myself as best I can."  Archie Leach

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