Saturday, May 5, 2012

Justin Other Fiesta.....

Whoop-di-doo times in Ol Fair Oaks….
T'other nite…well, last nite ackshully, a foreclosed house up the street wuz robbed…they (the bad guys) didn't really get much but they tore out some fixtures 'n did a little more damage than what the inspectors had inflicted before fleeing from a couple of neighbor ladies who called John Law 'n then for whatever reason, confronted the perps…(I watch cop shows just like everybody else)…anyways, the bad guys got away 'n it just gave us sumthin' to talk about on our little street…
T'day wuz the first day of Fiesta so we had lotza turistas up 'n down the street 'n one of the neighbors took the opportunity to have a 'yard sale' which wuz successful enuff that she's gonna do it again tomorrow…
I found all this out when da boyz 'n I went for our evening stroll…the turistas wuz all leaving 'n as things quieted down, the chickens came out (they hid from all the people) for their evening forage 'n my neighbor closed down her yard sale 'n da boyz 'n I headed home…
Millyrose came in all agog (now there's a word that y'just don't often get to use) informing me that there had been an armed robbery in Plaza Park…just goes to show that you shouldn't ought'a stay too long at the party, I guess, as three people strolling in the almost empty park were confronted by a man with a gun who robbed them…Now, I gotta say that things like that don't normally happen in Ol Fair Oaks…Oh, we get the occasional burglary 'n foreclosed houses anywhere are subject to being ransacked 'n vandalized 'n if you leave your vehicle unlocked you c'd almost expect somebody to go through it…sort of a crime of opportunity, y'might say but you just don't expect t'be mugged at gunpoint in the park in Ol Fair Oaks…

"Get your facts first, then distort them as you please."  Mark Twain

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