Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ah, the olde Delta breeze.....

Sort'a, almost, something like a morning in early Spring…but, it's July…'n the State Fair is operational….Will Rogers once 'n somewhat famously stated that 'everybody talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.'…I think he probably stole that line from Mark Twain 'n I ain't got the slightest idea who Mr. Clemens might'a stole it from…
Anyway, we got ourselves some aw'fly strange weather in the good Ole US of A this year what with droughts 'n floods 'n waves of heat 'n lots of smoke from forest fires obscuring the purple mountains majesties…
And we got the most knock-down, spit in your eye, get up 'n fight, you yellow-bellied cowardly SOB politicians that I've ever seen in my 75 years…all the ass-kissing, back-biting, lying, cheating, spit-drooling schoolyard bullies that ever existed from the muddy streets of Beattyville to the supercilious snobs of those moldy brick walls of Hah'vaad…
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... 

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