Sunday, July 22, 2012

This is from one of the other Smith brothers...

As you may or may not know, I'm the eldest of four brothers...I comment on lots of things in this blog...mostly pretty mundane stuff about life in the village of Ol Fair Oaks...
Once't in a while, howsumever, I tend t'get on my soapbox (I conveniently carry one with me p'ert near all the time) 'n rant about stuff that's happening in the real world...
The rant that follows herein is not one of mine but rather that of brother #3 who posted it on facebook...
I hope you enjoy it....Justin Other Smith

Barack Obama and The White Whale

Barack Obama sees himself as Captain Ahab and our Country not as Ahab's ship, the Pequod, but as Moby Dick, the White Whale, which to Ahab, as to Obama, is the great Evil. If he has convinced you that the USA is the great Evil, then vote for him. But if you see the USA as, perhaps imperfect, but still the greatest nation ever conceived on this earth, please use your vote to remove him from the helm of our great Ship of State. Obama and his wife have no great love for our Country. Much like Ahab sees Moby Dick, they see social injustice as the “fundamental” evil; not an imperfection, but a pervasive evil that must be destroyed. Understandable on their part? Perhaps. However, Obama is supposed to be everyone's President. How about the millions of Americans who see our Country not as evil, but magnificent? Imperfect, no doubt, but still the brightest beacon for those individuals seeking “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Today, with all the social programs that are in place and the availability of educational tools, there is opportunity for everyone. Like fruit on the trees or veggies in the garden, just get off your ass and go pick it and be on your way. Is it easy? No! But the harder you work, the greater your reward. Barack Obama is willing to destroy our Country economically in order to establish his idea of social justice. Paraphrasing the girl on a TV commercial: Obama is what I like to call, WRONG! I've lived a long time in this country and I don't feel put upon at all. I've never made a great deal of money, nor did my father, but I managed to get a decent education, earn a fair living and serve my country. I bet all of you came from similar backgrounds. I don't know what you call poor. My family didn't have much. I suppose some folks would probably say that we were “poor”, but I never felt “poor”. The poor in this country today aren't poor because of social injustice. They're poor for other reasons: breakdown of the family unit, character flaws leading to drug addiction and alcoholism which lead to mental deficiency, the willingness to let others pay life's tab. Many are just plain no good! Face it. It happens. Not every human being is worth saving. In this country, today, the poor are poor mainly because of irresponsible human behavior. Stop listening to Barack Obama trying to convince us that we and our ancestors built an evil country. Be proud of traditional America. Our fathers and their fathers before them help build a great country. If Barack and Michelle Obama don't like this country, then tell them to take their ill begotten Presidential pension and go someplace more to their liking. Socialist Europe should suit them fine!

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