Saturday, July 14, 2012

Satiday 'n I wuz sleepin' so gooooood....

The little weener dogs got me up this fine morning (Kudo's to the Delta Breeze) in a lather to get outside…I hooked 'em up 'n we proceeded in their characteristic mad rush to the south forty….These boyz (Koki 'n Kai 'n I'm not the one to credit for their names) have been coming even more unglued than their normal unglued selves over every chicken 'n pigeon on Crestline, but running as amok as they could whiled tethered to long leash lines, they failed to notice the stately young buck that had evidently been napping under the oak tree…He sprang to his feet ready to ride 'n spread the alarum, but then he stood stock-still 'n stared, an effect the weener dogs seem to have on many of the people we meet on our strolls….
'course, on our strolls,we've presented quite a sight, I imagine, Millyrose 'n m'self, trailing behind the surging weener dogs 'n wand'ring Willie 'n a somewhat bemused Old Poodle Dogger…it's said that 'everybody loves a parade' but still, a body has to wonder if the attendees are laughing with us or at us….I'm just saying'….

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