Friday, July 20, 2012


I know you've heard that getting old ain't for wusses but that ain't the half of it…as you know, well, if you've read this blog a couple times, you know that we have two dogs…
Willie 'n Rusty the Ol Poodle Dogger, 'n that I walk 'em a couple times a day…normally once 'round 'n about Plaza Park 'n the 2nd time, up 'n down Crestline…gotta keep an eye on the chickens 'n cats 'n skunks 'n whatever other assorted critters we might run into on any given day…it ain't the most exciting life in the world but a body has to play the hand that's been dealt….
Well, me 'n my big mouth got me the added chore of dogsitting two eener-weener dogs 'n I found out that walking four dogs at the same time might be okay for a professional dogwalker (I use'ta tell my drivers that if they cudn't drive while drinking a cup of coffee, eating a sandwich 'n talk on the radio at the same time, they had no right to call themselves professionals)…I expect professional dogwalkers can handle multiple dogs whilst balancing a number of other chores also but I can't….'n after my first semi-disastrous attempt, I ain't gonna do it again…either!
So, what I do is, I walk two of 'em at a time which works out find for them but doubles my walk….two trips around the park 'n then, in the evening, two trips up 'n down Crestline…now Rusty 'n Willie know pretty much where they're going 'n what the real purpose of the trip is…we may get a little sidetracked now 'n then but, basically, we manage to keep things in perspective….
The two weener dogs howsumever, are a different story altogether….'cause on Crestline, we got chickens 'n pigeons 'n cats of different colours…we also got skunks tho' thanks to the Ol Skunk Wrangler, not near as many as there were a while ago…still, the scent lingers 'n the metrognomic duo find it fascinating….you might even say, riveting….'n weener dogs, when they dig in 'n pull seem to at least double their weight…..I don't know how they do that…some kind of doggy secret, I suppoze, that we humans ain't to understand…
There's a lot of otherworld secrets that we humans ain't really privy to altho' mostly we don't know that until 'n unless we get old enuff to figure out that we really ain't the 
be-all 'n everything that we think we are….y'know, that Master of our fate 'n Captain of our soul thing, the King of the universe…I expect, if we could ever learn to really communicate with some of the other species that we share this little planet with, we'd find that they are probably afflicted with the same curse….
Ah well, it's getting into the wee hours here…I've had my milk 'n cookies so I think I'll give the bed another try….'n quoting Red Skelton, 'G'nite 'n God bless!" 

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