Sunday, July 1, 2012

Longest night ever....

Last nite wuz s'pozed t'be the longest nite ever…well, in a manner of speaking anyway since in order to keep the clocks straight with scientific thought, the boyo's in charge of time added a second…it wudn't just a willy-nilly thing howsumever, being done deliberately 'n only after some severe scientific head-scratching…
Don't seem to have made a whit of difference to the Fair Oaks roosters as they're doing their bestest to wake up the sun this otherwise quiet Sunday morn…..I s'pect Ol Sol may be sleeping in a little bit this morning 'cuz he's been working overtime in the mid-section of the USA breaking records all over the place like there may not be a tomorrow…
Wonder if the Mayans were right after all 'n the world is gonna end on a somewhat sour note this summer?? If it is, I don't think we should tell the Iranians who appear to be a couple thousand years behind the Christian calendar…gotta wonder, if the world does end 'n nobody tells the mid-east, will anyone there notice? Or know the difference?  At least, until their cash registers go all silent with the noise of nobody buying their oil….
Haven't heard anything out of Joe Biden for awhile…brother John sez that July is the month that Joe the Mouth will come up with an excuse why he won't be able to continue as Vice President so's to make way for Hilary to get on the ticket with His Wilieness, Baroque Obama…'course if the Democrats really want to get creative (oxymoron?) they could run Hilary for Prez 'n Obama for Vice…just saying'……

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