Sunday, July 8, 2012

"Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea and froliced in the Autumn mist,in a land called Hana Lee..."  Peter, Paul 'n Mary

High times on Crestline this weekend….Nabor Douglas, approaching his seventh decade, has chosen a new avocation…to wit; that of neighborhood skunk trapper extraordinary….
Saturday eve, he trapped his first skunk 'n transported it to the riverbank…then he returned home 'n did it again…emboldened by his first-ever successes, he set the trap again 'n went off to bed….
He awoke this morning to find the trap open 'n moved thirty-some feet from where he had so carefully placed it the evening before…he is determined to try again to duplicate his success of Saturday evening but has vowed never again to set the trap 'n leave it overnite….I told him he wuz a braver man than Gunga Din but, since he's only approaching his seventh decade, the joke fell a little flat…
He wuz visited t'other night by an unknown critter…why he wuz patrolling his fiefdom with a flashlight at the witching hour is his own bidness 'n I ain't gonna question him about it…anyway, his description of his nocturnal visitor suggested that it might'a been a ferret….Raccoons, opossums 'n the occasional coyote are not unusual…I suspect that we're probably visited once't in a while by foxes 'n bobcats also but, give the Devil his due, foxes 'n bobcats are sly critters 'n seldom seen when they come calling….
Ferrets are also sly critters and illegal in California but the term 'illegal' has fallen into such disrepute in California that most liberals 'n independents ('n even some conservatives) routinely ignore anything so described….maybe one day, we'll all be Libertarian Anarchists…not sure what the gun lobby could or would make out of that…
So, somebody in our(?) Legislature wants us to become a 'Sanctuary State' for illegal aliens…not too big of a stretch, I guess,  to becoming a sanctuary state for all things illegal…I could name a few but I claim wisdom is the better part of valor (fancy phrase for cowardice)…
And on a political note:  Some of my liberal friends have taken up asking me, "What's Romney's plan?"  or "What is the Republican plan?"….I don't think it has ever occurred to them that after more than three years of the Obama Presidency, he has yet to offer any solution other than to spend money that we don't have on things we don't need which, by any yardstick, is the classic route to bankruptcy….I think maybe Barry spent too much time with Puff the Magic Dragon back in his salad daze….

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