Sunday, April 29, 2012


"If you want'a annoy your neighbors, tell the truth about them."
So, the IN (idiot neighbor) who (whom?) I haven't talked with since our little contretemps in the middle of Crestline showed up in my driveway this afternoon to ask my advice on how to go about turning his next door neighbors in to the IRS for 'running an illegal business' in their back yard…That'd be the Mexican family or families that are renting or squatting in the foreclosed home across the street from me…I don't speak enuff Spanish to converse with them 'n I don't know if they have enuff English to converse with me but we smile 'n wave at each other when we pass on the street 'n they otherwise don't bother me which is one, maybe the only, requirement I have for getting along with my neighbors…except for IN, of course, who trespassed on the requirement when he screamed "EFF YOU!" in my face…I, naturally, being the mature adult that I am, responded in kind which resulted in a fairly good neighbor arrangement wherein we didn't speak or even acknowledge each others presence until this afternoon…I don't even care to imagine what he might have been thinking when he breached what I considered to be a perfectly agreeable good neighbor policy that seemed to be working to everyone's advantage…
"If your neighbors think you're a detective becuz a cop always brings you home, you might be a redneck."  Jeff Foxworthy

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