Friday, June 1, 2012

Playing in traffic....

So I'm drivin' down Sunrise which if you don't know is a major arterial mover of automocar traffic out here in the north area…
well, six lanes anyway north 'n south with mostly a 50 mph speed limit…'n I'm thinking the primary function of driving in this traffic is the art of avoidance…y'try really hard to avoid hitting any other vehicles 'n you try just as hard to avoid getting hit by any other vehicles…the trick is to come as close as you can without actually scraping paint…sort of like a real-life video game except with consequences…
Mostly, I try to avoid actually driving on Sunrise, not counting crossing Sunrise on other streets, of course, 'cause basically if I'm gonna go almost anywhere at all, I have to cross Sunrise or drive on Sunrise…But, I never, ever walk on Sunrise…I do, on occasion, come close enough to view Sunrise…well, at least a little patch of it, that part of it down the hill from the manor house…'n it's hard not to look when you hear the sirens 'n tires screeching but some of that you c'n just write off to entertainment…
Once upon a time, many years ago, Millyrose 'n I spent a night or two in a cabin on the bank of the Snake River in Wyoming…it wuz Springtime in the Tetons (I think that's the name of that p'ticklar mountain range) 'n the river wuz running high 'n fast with a steady roar that sounded just like Sunrise except without the sirens….just shows t'go you that wherever you go, there you are…
It's warmish here t'day, temp approaching triple digits…I got 3 of our a/c's running, not that you'd take particular notice of them if you were here unless, of course, you stepped outside…I'm gonna wait until the evening shade before I take da boy on their evening amble…it'll still be hot then but I'm thinking it might be a little cooler on their feet…not that they've complained about it, they're pretty good about no complaining s'long as they get to go a couple times a day…

I don't know why work is considered to be a virtue 'n laziness a sin because life is short 'n work is hard!

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