Saturday, June 30, 2012

"If it ain't worth cheating, lying or stealing to get, it ain't worth having!"  Fat Ollie

Fat Ollie wuz a one-time acquaintance of mine…I'm hesitant to call him a buddy 'cuz that'ud be sort'a like keeping a rattlesnake for a pocket pet…t'ain't healthy!
He wuz a charmer of sorts, howsumever, kind'a like a politician or a used car salesman with a practiced crocodile grin 'n a ready line of talking points…at least as long as they're allowed to use a teleprompter 'n make up their own facts as they go…'n yeah, for all the liberals who might not recognize it, that's called sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. 
The Sacramento Bee claims that a large majority of Californians support Obamacare…'n I s'poze that's t'be expected in a state where non-taxpaying residents outnumber the taxpayers…our politicians tell us that the Federal government has all this 'free' money 'n will use it to bail us out becuz they think we're too big to be allowed to fail…of course, if the Republicans win the WH 'n the Senate, that may not come to pass…I expect the taxpaying citizens of all those other states might not want to pay for California excesses…sort'a like the city of Stockton…
I recall when I wuz a boy, that a bunch of us got together 'n built a cabin up near the head of Schoolhouse Hollow…we didn't see the need for a foundation so we didn't use one…'n we didn't need windows 'cuz you could see out between the unchinked openings 'n likewise we didn't see the need to have more roof than we tho't necessary so we just piled enuff branches on top to block the sun…and that night, out first night in our new cabin, it come a downpour….might as well not had a roof over our heads at all 'n since we basically built in a creaked, we sure had running water 'n since it wuz blacker'n coaltar that night, it wuz fortunate for us that there wuz  enuff lightening for us to stumble down the hollow 'n go home…good thing for us that we had a safety net…('n for the liberals, that's also sarcasm)
Safety nets are good things for children…it's good for children to try new things 'n it's good for them to face up to failure, especially when they have parents to bail them out…
So, I guess Stockton c'n look to Jerry 'n the boys to bail 'em out with maybe just a 'small' tax on the rest of us to pay for their lack of a foundation in their beautiful waterfront downtown….(again: sarcasm) My mother use'ta say that cheaters never win but...

Fat Ollie also said, "He who dies with the most toys, wins."

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