Friday, September 21, 2012

"Contrairiwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't.  That's logic."  Lewis Carroll

I listen to way too much news….'n yeah, Jay Carney does remind me of Richie Cunningham…a little…I can't imagine Mr. C allowing Richie to dissemble quite as much as Jay but I suppose that Richie Cunningham sincere look is what got Mr Carney into show biz (oops, politics) in the first place….'course, in the Obama administration, it's difficult to tell the players without a program since they have effectively destroyed that fine line between show biz 'n politics anyway….Obama took that advice about having it made if you could fake real sincerity… he probably only ended up in law school 'cause no drama teacher would let him play the leading man parts…..BUT he got it now!  Yes indeedy doo….
I understand why people fantasize about the people they see on the big screen but most people really do know that the actors are only pretending….for the old timers, Errol Flynn wasn't a whiz with a sword, Basil Rathbone was much the better swordsman…John Wayne was an American icon but he never, ever went to war in real life…and no, repeat no high-priced actor ever does his or her own stunts even if they were capable of them because of the money factor…..
I don't quite get why anyone would support Obama after his dismal record but I've  had some people insist that he's doing a wonderful job, that he's a great success, why He killed bin Laden….'n if you point out that, as a matter of fact, no, he didn't kill bin Laden, they get all huffy 'n say 'But he ordered it!"  
As if that was the same thing entirely!
And if I point out that Obama is a master of faking sincerity, they get their feelings hurt….if I point out that Obama constantly, sometimes almost daily, contradicts himself, they get all wide-eyed 'n defensive 'n if I then press the point that those contradictions constitute lies, their universal response is "Bush lied!"  
And it does absolutely no good to point out that if it could have been proven that Bush lied, Congress would have gleefully impeached him but all they can say to that is "Mass destruction, mass destruction."
And William Jefferson Clinton, that great natural orator, the most successful Democrat president since FDR, only co-incidently happens to be a liar of the first magnitude, a dis-barred lawyer (for lying) a sexual predator bordering on pedophile, an accused rapist (multiple) 'n in spite of those minor flaws, is held to be a role model for children of proud liberal and delusional parents….

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."  Lewis Carroll

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