Monday, September 10, 2012

"If I c'd save time in a bottle....."  J. Croce

Those lazy, hazy, crazy daze of….September?  Here t'is comin' up on my birthday 'n it feels an awful lot like the dog daze of August…..
Time is a funny thing if you bother to think on it at all…according to that reknown sage, Kermit the Frog, "Time's fun when you're having flies."….that less reknown sage, Justin Other Smith sez, "Time flies whether you have fun or not."
That last one, if anyone is innarested, comes from the old bromide, "Make hay while the sun shines."  'Course, it's somewhat doubtful if anyone t'day knows what an old bromide is….prob'ly think it's sumthin' that old people take for an upset stomach….
Young people are either in awe of old folks, like…."MiGawd, how old are you?"….or they're dismissive, looking down their noses 'n sayin'…"They're old, whatta they know?"  Often, both perspectives co-exsist in the same person…I called one of 'em ambivalent once 'n they told me they didn't really go for that same-sex thing….I resisted the impulse to remark on that observation 'n simply shrugged 'n shook my head wisely 'cuz that's what wise old folk do when confronted with such witty bon mots from the technical generation…..

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