Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Honesty is the best policy, especially if there's money in it."  Mark Twain

A few years ago, the little village of Fair Oaks wuz trying to come up with a way to fatten the civic purse…the best thing they had going for them at that time was a cultural event inventively called 'The Fair Oaks Fiesta'….hoping to make that work for them, one of whoever was part of the movers 'n shakers of  that day came up with the idea of building a similar day around the Fair Oaks claim to fame, the Feral Fowl that wuz the legacy of a hippie artist by the name of Hugh Gorman….Hugh brought some chickens from his parents chickenyard 'n turned 'em loose in the village….who knew that so many other people kept pet chickens….my guess is they got 'em for Easter when they were little 'n cute 'n when they grew up, they didn't know what to do  with them….'n then Hugh showed 'em 'n the rest has become Fair Oaks history….
Well, the Fair Oaks Chickenfest is over….when they started, they did it for two whole daze but that didn't work out well…t'day wudn't bad, lots of traffic, lots of cars on out little street, lot of pedestrians strolling up 'n down…ain't sure how many of 'em were confused about wherever they had parked but that happens…the bands they had going all day were amplified so I c'd sit on my front porch 'n listen to 'em….or not, which is basically what I did…
I seem to remember Clint Eastwoods much younger wife, Dina I think is her name, saying on a talk show that his favorite music station wuz Sirius 40's 'n  that's sumthin' I have in common with old Rowdy Yates…
Anyway, when the music from the Chickenfest overlapped my consciousness, I just came inside 'n turned on Sirius 40's 'n listened to 'real' music…
'Course, I also like the stuff out of the 50's 'n 60's but that's another story….

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, 'n do what you'd rather not."  Mark Twain

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