Sunday, September 9, 2012

"To be good is noble, but to teach others t'be noble is better 'n no trouble at all."  Mark Twain

Walking…well, actually a slow 'n wandering stroll 'cuz after all is said 'n done, I wuz just following two little dogs who mostly kept their noses to the ground in search of food or maybe just another place to pee…we walked down the street, 'round ' n about the park, circled a big tree that contained a teasing squirrel until we lost interest…chased a few chickens away from a discarded bagel (lost interest in that also)….y'know, I wonder why people think it's okay to throw food on the ground these days…I mean, it's one thing to spread a little chicken food around (dumb but understandable 'cuz people t'day view real live chickens as some kind of exotic animal from dayz of yore)…but, c'mon people, whole bagels 'n huge chunks of watermelon…y'gotta wonder what kind of diet these people are on to begin with that they'd even bring this kind of stuff to a village park on a Sunday morning…..wonder whatever happened to coffee 'n doughnuts????
Back in the last depression, the great one that lasted for the duration of the 'thirties, doughnuts were almost a staple food…they were cheap 'n plentiful…Gawd knows how many millions or billions were given away by churches 'n food kitchens 'n various 'n sundry charities…it wuz a practice that wuz continued into the war years by every service agency in every town, large or small all across the land….Heck!  The story goes that they were so popular that the Red Cross even sold them very near to the front lines of combat all across the world...
America claims the distinction of having invented the doughnut, or more common t'day, donut but we, like the Russians are famed for doing, often claim to have invented durn near everything that's ever been invented…don't really matter…by the time of our Civil War, donuts were considered t'be an American staple…(I don't know if Clara Barton passed out donuts during that war or not 'cuz she didn't invent the Red Cross 'til after but that's another story)…
Anyway, donuts are still popular 'n still relatively cheap (at least, considering the value of t'days dollar)….cheaper than bagels anyway but since this is California, perhaps donuts are considered too plebeian for the feral fowl of Ol Fair Oaks….

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