Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Never put of till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."  Mark Twain

Eat, drink 'n make merry for t'morra….ah well, the nooze of the day is just durn near terrifying…which wuz all the more reason for a family brunch to celebrate a birthday gurl…she claims that Satiday b'days are the best 'cuz you c'n begin celebrating Friday evening 'n (God willing 'n the creek don't rise) keep it going clean thru Sunday….
So, we had a little brunch 'n we had a little cake afterwards 'n now we (at least She who must be obeyed 'n m'self) can have a little nap…well, after I walk da boyz 'round 'n about the Village…they didn't get to go to the park yest'iday 'cause of the Chickenfest 'n they had a great need to sniff 'n pee whilst checking out the detritus which 'uz mainly bales of hay scattered 'round the park…I'm supposing' they were used for seating 'cuz they had a portable stage 'n amplified music most of the day….I' say supposing, 'cause I wudn't there…'n neither were the chickens that the day is s'pozed t'be about…when you have that many people 'n that much noise, the chickens leave…
Anywayze, it's kind of a quiet Sunday afternoon…..who knows what the morrow will bring?

"A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.  And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen."  Winston Churchill

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