Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough!"  Mark Twain

My guess 'ud be that the dog that lives next door wuz as tired of the white rooster as I wuz….I pretty much run either the a/c or the fan all nite, ambient noise along with the cooling but the darn rooster seemed like he'd get right under the window on purpose…I expect the dog, whose main job after all, is to stand guard all night long over his family, just got totally fed up 'n took matters into his own hands, so to speak since dogs don't really have hands 'n in this p'ticklar case, it wudn't even his paws, more like those bone-crushing teeth that come as standard equipment on Chow's…at any rate, the rooster is no mas…esta fini…gone to that great chickencoop in the sky….
I 'uz thinkin' that it's kind of a waste since almost nobody t'day seems to know how to pluck a chicken 'n them that does know ain't so inclined…(just for general information, it requires boiling water 'n physical labor)…
Back in the day, chickens got plucked 'n most of the feathers went into bedding of one kind or another 'n big ol fat ol roosters went into a stew pot since that wuz pretty much the only way you c'd get 'em tender enough to eat….
Also, back in the day, chickens weren't considered pets 'n darn few of 'em got cutesy names…there may have been a few exceptions but not many…chickens were egg-producers or table food….the same for rabbits 'cept the rabbit fur didn't go into bedding…it got sold 'n went into fashion….(well, it did)
Use'ta have a neighbor here on Crestline that kept his freezer full of Fair Oaks feral fowl but he moved to the mountains where, I suspect, he still loads his freezer with the aid of a long gun….Now, dead chickens pretty routinely get tossed into one of the trash cans that line our streets every week…it is a waste but we have become truly a throwaway society….not sure what that says about us as a species but there you have it….
'Course, many of us do recycle…we save most of our can's 'n bottles 'n stuff 'n periodically the granddaughters'll come over 'n we load it all into the back of the truck 'n haul it off to the recyclers…the recyclers are happy t'get the product, the gurlz are happy t'get the money, I'm happy they're happy 'n Millyrose is happy t'get the darn bags off the back porch….it's a win-win all around...
Back in the Garden of Eden, Ol Adam had a good thing goin'…it didn't make any difference what he said, he knew nobody'd ever said it before……

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