Monday, April 9, 2012

The Day After.....

“Hair ‘n fingernails continue to grow for days after you’re dead but phone calls taper off quickly.” Johnny Carson

A quiet village t’day...well, relativly speaking anyhow...the county’s at the bottom of the hill trimming trees ‘n cleaning brush from the ditch ‘n I’m told on almost-good authority that they’re gonna scrape it clean ‘n line it with rocks...that’ll look better until the carwash employees ‘n customers fill it anew with sandwich wrappers etcetera..

Me ‘n da boyz wuz panhandled for four bits by a young woman ‘to make a phone call’...but I didn’t have any money on me...half an hour later, as we rounded the corner on the final leg of the stroll, we ran into her again ‘m she asked me where she c’d find a working pay phone...’n I had to confess that I hadn’t the slightest idea....

“Have you ever felt like a phone call that’s been disconnected?”

Back in the time of the golden oldens, you cudn’t find a pay phone on ev’ry corner...matter of fact, in the little village where I lived, there wuz only two phones...

That changed with all the ‘scientific’ advancments of the ‘50s ‘ n ‘60s ‘n payphones became almost ubiquitous...

AT&T became so big ‘n so almighty pow’ful that it made the guv’mint nervous ‘n that led to the breakup of Ma Bell intoto...which led to the creation of a multiplicity of phone companies that screwed up service for millions of people world-wide...but that’s all in the past, AT&T‘n Verizon ‘n Sprint are becoming monolithic again, at least in the good ol US of A...(I don’t know what it’s like around the world but I’m told that cell phones are cheap’n everyone has ‘em no matter where you go...but wherever you go, don’t bother looking for an olde-fashioned payphone ‘cuz you just ain’t gonna find one...

(I’ve just been informed that you c’n find them in musuems ‘n antique stores)

“Communism is like one big phone company.” Lenny Bruce

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