“I think maybe the secret to life is to just hang around ‘til you get used to it.” Charlie Brown
Dunno just quite what it is about being up early on a rainy morning...all that quiet ‘cept it seems like God forgot ‘n left the tap open so’s you got that sound of running water playing thru your mind...ah well, coffee’s on the boil ‘n biscuits in the oven...I’ll do me up sum o’ them Jimmy Dean ‘cooked already’ sausages ‘n maybe an egg ‘n peruse the morning rag...that ‘ud be the Sacamenna Bee which seems t’have fallen victim to that old curse of ‘Cheer up, things c’d be worse so evidently they must be awful cheerful ‘cuz they certainly got worse.’
Big headline in the SacBee about the arrest of Geo Zimmerman down there in Florida...reminds me a little bit of the Fair Oaks Feral Fowl...when y’have a chicken fight which happens a lot when you have an over-abundanza of roosters ‘n one of the roosters get’s beaten badly enuff to draw blood, why all those roosters who were hanging back t’see who won so’s they c’d cheer for the whoever is the new ‘big guy’ ~ why, they all gang up ‘n just nachelly jump all over that poor loser ‘n peck the SOB to death...which is kind’a what the snooze-nooze media has done to the hapless Zimmerman...well, after all, there ain’t any doubt as to him ackshully killing the Martin boy ‘n you might s’well hang him for it, Damn the expense of a trial anyways...
Yessir, Mister Obama, that Harvard guy who wuz gonna coalesce the country so we cud walk that yellowbrick road t’gether is doing a bang-up job...
“Ask five economists ‘n you’ll get five diff’runt answers ~ six, if one went to Harvard.” E.R.Fiedler
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