“I’m proud t’be an American becuz an American c’n eat anything on earth as long as he has two pieces of bread.” Bill Cosby
It’s been kind of a funny day... not warm, just coolish ‘n occasionally wet...occasionally ‘n suddenly wet ‘cuz when the rain comes, it comes all at once in a torrent ‘n then it’s over...
Me ‘n da boyz started several walks t’day ‘n had them all interrupted with one of those sudden, short showers...the boyz didn’t seem to mind them very much but I wudn’t p’tikly thrilled...
Anywaze, I got the truck out t’day...
didn’t want the batt’ry to run down ‘n had sum small errands...parked at the top of the hill ‘n waited for Millyrose...
When she wuz ready ‘n belted in, I turned the key ‘n got nuthin’...’n I tried it several times becuz, as you know, if at first you don’t succeed, try the same darn thing over again ‘n pray (made me feel like one ‘a them progressive liberals)...finally, I got out ‘n went to open the hood (it’s a guy thing) except I cudn’t get the darn hood open ‘n had to go to the book to figure out what’s s’pozed t’be a really basic thing...’n of course, while I’m doing this, Mother Nature smiled ‘n dumped a whole lot of raindrops down the back of my neck...Finally slammed the hood down, climbed back inside the truck, made sure the gear shift wuz in park ‘n turned the key...(I think it wuz slamming the hood what did it)...
One of the really important errands that I just had to take care of on this rainy day wuz to pick up sum of that Umpqua ice cream which is a comfort food staple...’n that took me by the in-store bakery where they had just taken some freshly baked French bread out of the oven...
Millyrose makes sum gooooood potato soup ‘n nuthin’ goes better with gooooood potato soup than freshly baked warm French bread (specially on a rainy, rainy day)...
“Remember, man does not live on bread alone;sumtimes he needs a little buttering up.” John Maxwell
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