Thursday, April 26, 2012

Harshing my mellow...

I s'pect sumbody sumwhere has noticed that I ain't posted anything for a few daze...'course, that ain't all that's just that mostly whenever I don't have anything t'say, I just go ahead 'n say it anyways...but what happened wuz that Millyrose's little brother way the heck 'n gone up in Crescent City had a heart attack 'n the Dr's told him that he should prob'ly get his affairs in order 'n that led to no small amount of consternation in the fam'ly 'n when Millyrose gets even the tiniest bit consternated, I find it p'litically expeditious t'get a little consternated also..
So, I did 'n we packed up 'n got up early 'n backed out of our driveway 'n pulled right back in 'cuz the plastic air dam on the right front fell down 'n sounded like the whole front end of the car fell off...I pulled back in 'n went back to bed for a couple hours before an emergency call to Folsom Lake Toyota got us a temporary fix...'n that afternoon, wedrove to Medford, Oregon so's we could be there to keep an eye on the wudn't a bad drive, about 6 hours or thereabouts...the weather wuz mostly accomodating until we got to Yreka where it commenced to rain (Welcome to southern Oregon)...
Now I hadn't been that far north in 30 years but, not terribly unsurprising, there wudn't all that much had changed, mountain landscapes being what they are...farther north we got, the higher the gas prices ($4.40 a gal)'n it rained pretty much all the time we were in Medford (didn't stop 'til we got back to Yreka)...
Then when we got back home, the computer did a major meltdown 'n we lost the harddrive...I don't even want to go into detail about all the stuff that we will prob'ly never be able to recover but what the heck, harddrive altzheimers c'd harsh anyone's mellow...
cudn't it?

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