Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ranting: A continuation...

 People should wear seatbelts while riding in automobiles.  After all, seatbelts save lives.  So those who know best what is good for all the rest of us common people pass a law requiring us to wear a seatbelt or face a fine.
Ditto for motorcycle helmets.  Helmets save lives.  Pass a law.  And one for bycycles also.  And don’t forget the fines.  The State needs the money.
Let’s not forget the ubiquitous cell phones.  People love their phones and they will talk on them when they’re driving.  Pass a law and collect the fines.  The State needs the money.
It doesn’t matter that none of these laws were necessary for any  other reason than the collection of fines, after all, the State needs the money.
Oh, and don’t forget the  big one.  Ban smoking anywhere and everywhere and levy fines and taxes.  Don’t forget the taxes.  The State needs the money.
“But” say the liberal elitist, “Seatbelts and helmets do save lives and medical costs.  And everyone knows that smoking not only causes cancer, but also a whole host of other expensive ills that cost everyone so banning smoking is a good thing.  And besides, the State needs the money.”
And then, of course, there’s junk food.  It’s bad for children and adults.  Causes obesity and  heart disease and diabetes and fallen arches.  Pass a law and levy fines.  The State needs the money.
Haven’t you heard?  California is broke!  Sacramento is broke!  The Maloof family is going to take the Kings away to a less-deserving city that doesn’t need the money nearly as much as Sacramento. 
And don’t forget high-speed rail.  We really need high-speed rail because they have it in China and Europe and we’re falling behind.  I wonder if they can pass a law requiring every citizen of California to take at least one round-trip a year on high-speed rail or face a fine.  After all, the State needs the money!

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